Mission Statement

"Education Is Important"

Making life of educationist easy and productive is important too.

Lack of professionally crafted school management software system, is very noticeable in education segment. To fill in this void, we started working on a product, for Planning of Resources IN a Centre of Education or Edification and called it 'PRINCEE'

Bringing best-in-class education to everyone is no-lesser.

“Why student has to physically run from class to coaching to tuitions to class again, just to learn a concept/topic? Why it is not available at one place?” question asked by educators, parents and students and many more from decades. We noticed the need, saw the pain and started working on how to bring all these brains, their grey matter, at one place, and rightfully called it 'greyMinds'.

Meet our Products

We, at ßeßeyond, are focusing on education-domain products at present. ‘SkySchool’ and ‘PRINCEE’ are ready for release.
‘greyMinds’ is shaping up very beautifully and will be ready to go on floor shortly.

We have not restricted ourselves to these products only; there are few more ideas, in other domains, as well, which we are exploring, 'garooda' is one those ideas, where we are doing market research, we are in-talk with interested people and mainly we trying to understand every stakeholders’ pain points so that we can offer better product at better price than other players.

We are open to collaborate with other like-minded partners/ associates, to materialize these products.

One-stop solution for all your school needs.

SkySchool is one comprehensive, ‘All-In-One’, solution for your school*s administrative, academic and many other needs.

SkySchool not only caters to your administrative and academic needs but it is one step ahead. It provides your students, a facility to enrich their learning with help of latest technologies and collaborative learning, which leads to greater understanding of fundamentals and higher scores in examinations later.

With SkySchool you can have your school website, manage administration of your school as well as manage your academics.
It also offers an eLearning platform.

Every school needs three basic things to run efficiently, good administration, good education system and good reputation.

In this era of information technology, you can find solution for all your needs in software and running school is no different.
In fact in market, you will find many solutions for your requirements, like school ERPs for administration, smart classes for academics and online learning site/courses for extra studies, website host for your school website. But, mostly, they are all from different vendors therefore they all work in isolation from each other & often are disconnected.

Now for the first time, SkySchool is aiming to bring all of these services under one umbrella, so that, you don’t have to run from pillar to post to get these services and later manage their operations on day to day basis. Once you are on SkySchool, you have to look no further, you will find every relevent here itself.

Advantage of SkySchool

Every module of SkySchool is designed and developed from ground zero, keeping in mind of our schools' lifestyle. School fraternity will feel at home.

SkySchool provides you, everything under-one-roof. You can have your school website, your school-EPR or school-management-system; you can have online homework, assignments, examinations and quizzes.

You do not have to run after many vendors to get your work done, you have to deal with one vendor, it makes your life easy and saves lots of your time that you can utilize in other productive work.

Host in your premises or on cloud , host in shared or dedicated web space. Move from one hosting style to other as per your need.

Modular design to the core You can choose upon the units, PRINCEE and/or greyMind. You can choose unit(s) or part-of-it, as per your requirement. Addition and removal is also possible at any stage.

Complete privacy and security of your data. No unauthorized person can access or even view, your data, in any case of hosting.

SkySchool is very cost effective because here you are getting from one vendor only. More the vendors, higher the cost. Simple formula.Our pricing is very competitive, too.

Try it, Before you Buy it. We are very sure that once you are on SkySchool, you will never find any reason to go to others. And if you find any, we are here to solve it. We will keep your concerns resolved. Its safe road; lets walk along, together.

It is well established fact that, in today’s era, an efficient school-management-system is must, to run operations of any decent educational institution.
SkySchool is offering more than just ‘management system’ at very attractive price. In fact it also help in establishing & enhancing brand identity in the market.
The philosophy behind SkySchool is “Less time & cost on administration; More time & focus on delivering education”.

Planning of Resources IN any Center of Education and Edification

‘PRINCEE’ is school management system [SMS/SERP] wing of SkySchool.

Which takes care of all the administrative needs. It carries out all day-to-day as well as far-fetched activities, and makes them fast, easy, efficient & accurate.

PRINCEE is engineered to offer schools, all the power they need to manage school. It has long list of functions ranging from A to Z - admissions, attendance, time table, discipline, health, library, report cards, scheduling, student fee, transport and more. All integrated into a single web portal, which is accessible anytime, anywhere over internet.

It saves a lot, in cost of running a school, by proper and efficient utilization of resources and by increasing their efficiency & performance through process automation and control.

It’s user interface (UI) is designed in such a way that all frequently needed items are available upfront to user which saves lots of time. UI is super flexible as well; user can customize her/his own page as per her/his preferences and requirements.

PRINCEE is feature rich application, so it is not possible to list all of them here, but just give you the glimpse of it, below image shows few of the features

Why PRINCEE : Need and Advantage of PRINCEE

Time and Resource management is crucial.
Surveys, in India and abroad clearly show that the school management loses most of the crucial time in dealing with operational & transactional issues, thus leading to loss of productive hours & efforts.
Handover these trivial tasks to machines/systems and focus on the jobs which can justify your knowledge and intelligence.
Most of the SMS/SERP are developed as ERP, therefore their design, user-interfaces, flow etc. are well suited for ‘Software Engineers.’ but not for schools fraternity. Schools users find them confusing, cumbersome and time-consuming and they go back to pen & paper at first chance. It is big learning curve there.
SkySchool is conceived, designed and developed for school fraternity.

Budget is always tight.
Schools, private or public, always has more focused budgets on amenities & less focused on systems. It is seen, in majority of schools, that the pity and useless expenditures are not accounted when they occur. But these small-small spending becomes big and huge in the year-end- balance sheet.
Most of the SMS/SERP hide these information deep down in hierarchy, from where it very tough to get it out and get noticed.
In PRINCEE these information are available upfront. SkySchool presents information in such a way that user gets overview of information on her or his first page, dashboard, itself. In single click s/he can see the details.

Parents are more keen and curious about their wards
Today’s parents are not satisfied with, just marks or class ranking of their children. They want any information related to their ward quickly, be it student presence/absence, marks, PTMs or even transport’s pick and drop.
Parents want to play bigger role than just fee-payer.
PRINCEE takes good care of parents’ expectation. Performance analysis, educational, career guidance are part of SkySchool. Graphical representation, Growth Chart, will give any parent great overview of ward’s performance. SMS/Email based communication is already present to inform parent as earliest. By the way SkySchool has facility to organize PTM properly, easily, efficiently and effectively.

PRINCEE is architecture keeping an eye on schools' life style.
Most importance is given to security, robustness and user-friendliness. We have spent a hell lot of time in finalizing the UI and it has come out fantastic.
You have to see it to believe it, how well PRINCEE is organized and still it is so flexible, NO other SMS/SERP has this feature, yet.
PRINCEE follows the same, philosophy as SkySchool “Less time & cost on administration; More time & focus on delivering education”.

greyMinds : A booster for grey matter in your mind

SkyClass and greyMinds are part of education wing of SkySchool.

SkyClass is unique and exclusive offering from SkySchool, which on one hand makes teachers life easy and on other hand keeps students in contact with school even in after school hours.
It is an extended class management system. It is designed to handle and manage classroom related activities like homework, assignments, projects etc.

Just few highlights of SkyClass.


For students, greyMinds is concept-clearing and extra learning centre.

In greyMinds, have brought teachers and educationist from across India on board and asked them to create a body-of-knowledge (BOK), where many teachers have explained same topics in great detail, in their own style. Now when student search this BOK, it is highly-unlikely that s/he will not find proper explanation of any topic as per her/his style of learning. S/he can follow that teacher for that topic or course.

greyMinds has forum of students from various schools. Your student can join/create group and do collaborative learning. This collaborative learning center helps students in learning from mentors, teachers and students across the country.

Students will get following items in greyMinds.

greyMinds is not only for students, it has great opening for teachers as well. They can show their talent in creating BOK, mentoring students. They can also interact with other like-minded teachers across India and learn new technique, acquire new skills and many more.

Few items for teachers are given below

Why greyMinds : Need and Advantage of greyMinds

Education world is changing.
In just last couple of years, the ways in which children learn, have changed drastically. Fewer and fewer children find books appealing today, primarily because they have grown accustomed to getting their information (and stimulation) from tech-based sources, such as television, computers and mobile phones etc. Self-paced learning, multimedia, animations etc. are, now, part of student learning habits.
Schools have to change to meet the students learning habits.
SkySchool will provide study material, prepared by educationist from different part of world and appropriate to student’s learning stage.

Traditional teaching in not sufficient.
A typical Indian classroom was once portrayed by long hours of lectures. But the scenario is changing fast and it is changing in the right direction. The introduction of educational technology has created drastic changes in the quality of education in India. Schools and colleges are adopting digital solutions to enhance learning experience of new generation students. More than 100,000 schools and colleges in India have adopted varied educational software. Private schools in India have been adopting technology in education at a fast rate.
You need not to worry. SkySchool is already taking care of it. Students will get appropriate learning material complied and prepared by renowned educationist.

More than just ‘Education’ is been expected from schools
The average expenditure on education is shooting up by 79% in rural households and 98% in urban households, in last 6 years. In return to this increase in expenditure, parents and students are expecting more than bookish knowledge from schools. They don’t want to be confined to the class room learning only. They are expecting world class learning experience. Parents want their ward to be ready to face world from the day one. JEE/PMT preparation has come down to 6th standard from 11th. Students want to take on challenges from across globe.
Collaborative and Competitive learning is need of the hour.
SkySchool is giving student a platform where they can make a group of student from any part of India and can do the collaborative/group studies. Learn from each other, compete with each other and enjoy learning. Periodic quiz/test by SkySchool will help them gauge themselves.

Focus is changing to ‘student centric learning’
They were days when teachers used to teach just what is written in books or specified in the curriculum and students were bound to learn from that teacher itself. They had no options to choose from. Then came, coaching/tuition and students got the one option to choose from whom to learn. Online learning has opened an entirely new world to them and spoiled them with choices.
Focus has shifted from ‘how to teach in classes to ‘how make student learn’.
It is known fact that one teacher cannot make entire class understand any given topic. Best teacher’s reach is 80% to 90%. Therefore, SkySchool is bringing unique offering where one topic will be taught/explained by many teachers and student don’t have to surf whole internet to get good explanations. One(Student)-To-Many(Teacher), is a great unique feature of SkySchool.

Once you are on SkySchool, you are global-student.
Ready to face the world.

Feel free to conatus us, for any query, concern, feedback or just like that.